Cooking Nutrition

Online Safety


ICT Guidance

  • No child should use the Internet or email unless there is a responsible adult in attendance.
  • It might be appropriate to let the children use the Internet to conduct personal searches e.g. as part of a reward system or when practising their research skills. However staff should give the user guidance on what they can or cannot access.
  • Children should not use the print command without their supervisors' authority. Under no circumstances should children print off material for their personal use.
  • Kathy Blake organises yearly online safety workshop for the children.

Protection of pupils from on-line access to undesirable materials operates at three levels:

  • Our Internet Service Provider (ISP) has a filtering service.
  • Our VLE (virtual learning environment) the London Grid For Learning (LGFL) also filters unsafe content.
  • Children may not use the internet ready computers without supervision.
  • Use of the computers on the internet is password protected.


Personal Use of the Internet and email by Staff

  • Staff use of the Internet and email facilities is permitted during breaks, for educational purposes during lessons (Internet) and before or after school.
  • Please be aware of any negative connotations of the use of social networking sites may have and ensure that you have appropriate security levels enabled.
  • Video hosting sites such as YouTube are not blocked because they can provide educational value, however these sites also contain content that is inappropriate for children so their use always needs to be under the supervision of an adult.
  • Staff use of the Internet may be monitored. Inappropriate use may result in disciplinary action.


Federation Online Safety Policy