Curriculum Topics
The federation committed to designing its own broad ‘Topic’ curriculum to replace the ‘International Primary Curriculum’ (IPC) for history, geography, art and design technology. Long term and medium-term curriculum planning has been structured to ensure the progression of a broad range of knowledge and skills from Year 1 to Year 6, with clear milestones, building on early learning goals. High-quality texts are at the core and vertical links are identified to show where topics build on prior learning.
Our Topic curriculum ensures children have specific learning experiences relevant to them. It is designed to be ambitious and accessible to all, to include the most disadvantaged, SEND and high needs pupils. It provokes curiosity and provides opportunities and experiences which are diverse, rich and aspirational. Thematic approaches to learning bring learning alive and build a sense of reason and purpose. Each topic begins with a dynamic start to build interest and ends with an exit event to consolidate and celebrate what has been learnt.
Topic whole school map 2023 to 2024